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Team Management

What is Team Management?

Team management is the implementation of techniques, customs and activities by managers and coordinators that aim to maintain or build a cohesive work environment among a group of workers, a team.

Examples of Team Management methods

The techniques, customs and activities used by managers for their teams vary in their aim. For example, a manager of a sales department could implement a custom that following every major sale, the salesperson receives a congratulatory round of applause from their fellow employees to create a positive and encouraging work environment while also incentivising hard work.

Team management also involves organising team activities both in and outside the workplace. These activities aim to strengthen relationships among the employees in a team, but they vary widely in their purpose. Activities purposes include, building trust, improving communication, teamwork and having fun as well as many others. This could range from a quick game of ‘keep the balloon up’ to a team bowling night.

Why is Team Management so important?

The overall aim of team management is to improve the team’s ability to work together and in turn increase its productivity, so it becomes a more efficient and effective cog of the business. This benefits the growth and prosperity of the company as a whole.

Difficulties of Team Management?

Sometimes the activities, customs or techniques that aim to strengthen the relations of the employees has the opposite effect and become counterproductive instead of productive. For example, a custom where the team congratulates their fellow employees’ successes could make colleagues over competitive with one another and create a bitter and hostile work environment. Or perhaps a manager might propose a brainstorming activity that gives the team members the opportunity to contribute and feel valued but is instead dominated by certain individuals, leaving the others feeling unheard and not valued, the inverse of the intended goal. Clearly team management can be a delicate task.

For more on Team Management

Team Management explained with examples(

Pros and Cons of Team Management

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