Process Mapping Best Practices

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Process Mapping

What is Process Mapping?

Process mapping is the activities involved to define what a business does, who is responsible for what, to what standard processes should be completed, and how business success can be measured.

In Process Mapping, a specific objective is measured and compared to the objectives of the organization as a whole to ensure that all processes are in line with the organization’s goals, values and capabilities. This is done through a process map.

A process map, also known as a flowchart, process chart or process model, is a planning and management tool that displays the flow of work visually, showing a series of activities or events to deliver an end result using a process mapping software. It also indicates who is involved and what activities are required in a process.

A good process map helps the organization to identify areas of improvement to the process such as repetitions, delays or miscommunications for example. This enables teams to work together to solve problem areas, define boundaries, determine responsibilities and ownership within the process. This helps to improve efficiency within the organization, which is the main purpose behind business process mapping.

Types of Process Mapping

Here are a few of the most common types of process maps:

-Detailed Process Map: a very detailed look at each step within the process.

-Activity Process Map: shows both value added and non-value added activities within a process.

-Rendered Process Map: shows the current and future state processes to show areas for improvement of the process.

-Document Map: the inputs and outputs in a process are documents.

-High-Level Process Map: a process represented from a high-level, involving interactions between Supplier, Input, Process, Output, Customer (SIPOC).

Benefits of Process mapping

-Increases understanding of a process.

-Identifies how a process can be improved.

-Improves communication between team members in same processes.

-Provides process documentation.

-Speeds up project design.

-Helps with problem solving and decision making.

-Shows an entire process from the beginning to the end.

Want to learn more about Process Mapping?

What is Process Mapping?

Essential Guide to Business Process Mapping

Process Mapping Techniques

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