Customer Centric Design Best Practices

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Customer Centric Design

What is Customer Centric Design

Customer-centric design is the process of framing your product or service based on the need, wants and limits of your customers in terms of its design and quality. Also called User Centric Design, this approach ensures that the business is focusing on the user’s needs through understanding their journey and limitations.

Abbreviations often used in Customer Centric Design

Customer Experience (CX): The journey from start to finish, including both offline and online activities of the customer.

User Experience (UX): The quality of interactions through digital touchpoints within the journey.

Service Design (SD): The identification of actions that will improve both CX and UX.

Why is it important?

Thanks to the expanse of the internet and other tech services, the number of product alternatives and options have increased significantly, meaning customers now have more control than ever before.

If customers dislike your product, they can find dozens of different alternatives in only a few seconds with a quick Google search. The customer is in control.

The issue is that most companies don’t focus on the customer. Their marketing material may suggest that they are centred around the customer but the truth is in their organizational culture, which is often centred around the organization. Time and time again we see that organization-centric content is not successful as customer-centric content.

Want to learn more about Customer Centric Design?

5 Rules of Customer Centric Design

Why Customer-Centric Design is Essential to your Business

The 7 Principles of Customer Centric Companies

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