6 Infrastructure Private Equity Modeling Tests with 1 Solution.

Business Strategy is the activity of trying to find the best ways to earn superior profits and being ahead of your competitors. Strategy Consulting is a service industry aiming at providing assistance to businesses in their top-level decision making and enable them to accomplish this with success. While Operations Consulting answer the "How do we do it", Strategy Consulting addresses "what should we do" and "Why should we do it".
For more on Strategy Consulting, read Victor Cheng's Definition here
The work of Strategy Consultants is at the intersection of three assets. Their individual talent, the tools and methodologies they have built and the brand name of their Consulting Firm. Organisations do not only hire Strategy Consultants because of their unique talents and brainpower but also because this enables top-executives to save considerable time to focus on operations and managing the company.
Hiring McKinsey & Company, The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) or Bain & Company is not a luxury all professionals can afford. This is the reason why Eloquens is centralising in one place all the best ready-to-use powerpoint slides, excel files and methods used by Strategy Consulting firms, for download. Hence, the best knowledge can be immediately accessed, used, shared and improved by a vast community of professionals.