Dissertation Writing Tips
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Dissertation Writing Tips
Dissertations are a central part of many university degrees and can count for a significant portion of your final degree result. It is therefore important to take your dissertation seriously. Also, because you get to choose the topic of your dissertation, you may find you will really enjoy writing it!
Tips for writing your dissertation:
Choose your research topic carefully:
Devoting time to planning and structuring your written work is key for all work you will do during your degree. Your dissertation is no exception. Your topic needs to be something engaging and meaningful – perhaps consider an issue that aligns with your career aspirations.
Check the requirements:
Familiarise yourself with your faculty’s ethics protocols, module handbooks and referencing style guides to prevent mistakes that may cost you. Find out:
•What academic writing looks like in your discipline,
•The word count,
•When and where you must submit your dissertation.
Set manageable goals
It can be daunting to know you have a substantial work count to reach so aim for suitable targets that you can cross off as you go. For example, you could try to write 1,000 words each week, as this is both motivating and productive.
Question throughout
Throughout the whole process you should be questioning your argument. Doing this will make sure your argument is as solid as possible which will score highly in the long wrong.
Make sure to check
When you finish your dissertation, it will be a relief as you have spent a significant amount of time and effort on this. However, make sure you do not avoid rereading and editing. Editing will make sure all references and spellings are correct which is essential to achieving the highest marks.
Enjoy your achievement!
Dissertations are substantial pieces of work and so you should take some time to feel proud of what you have produced. If you have worked efficiently and stuck to a coherent plan you will have no need to panic when the deadline arrives. Have some pride in what you have achieved – it is no easy task but will be worth it!
For more information on Dissertation Writing: