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Public Speaking

What is Public Speaking? Why is it a key skill in the business world?

Public Speaking requires standing in front of an audience or a large group of people and conveying a message. This is usually to inform, persuade, or entertain. Ideally, the speaker will be confident, articulate, clear, interesting, and engaging. The speaker must be able to hold the audience’s interest, demanding their attention.

We have included this section on Eloquens because Public Speaking is paramount in the business world, particularly for startups. Pitching, for example, requires persuasively speaking to an audience often in a bid to obtain funding. To hold the attention of either your potential customers or future investors, it helps to be a great public speaker. In large organizations also, when presenting a team talk or giving a presentation, great presentations can help foster the respect and gain the attention of your co-workers or team. Whilst bad presentations can result in missed opportunities, good presentations can turn around a bad situation, so feel free to download some tools and tips to help with your public speaking in this section.

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