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Startup Pitch Decks

What is a Startup Pitch Deck?

A Pitch Deck is a short presentation, usually composed of 10-20 slides. It is used to provide a short overview of a company, its business plan as well as its vision. The purpose of providing such information on a Pitch Deck can vary from meeting a potential investor to presenting your business to customers, partners, co-founders or even on a stage. Ultimately, the purpose is what sets the most preferable structure for the Pitch Deck.

The Pitch Deck can be made either as a PowerPoint, or made with Keynote or Prezi. Then, it can be presented in two ways:

  • 1) Demo Presentation: this type of pitch deck is rather visual and contains very little text, where most of the talking will be done by the presenter.
  • 2) Pitch Presentation: this type of presentation is one that will be emailed. It should be self-explanatory.

What is the objective and added value of the Startup Pitch Deck?

Do keep in mind that the aim of the presentation is to tell the story. Its sequence should be organic; you start off with the problem you aim to solve, propose a solution and lastly explain the ways in which you will execute the solution.

As for investors, it is important to track their response to the pitch deck. You should aim for them to read it completely, as it could affect the frequency for follow up emails, which can prove helpful in a round of funding.

Where can I find a Startup Pitch Deck Template

When it comes to pitch decks, they don’t need to be necessarily invented in their structure by yourself. There exists a great variety of pitch deck templates that can be customized to your organization, depending on your particular needs.

The Eloquens catalog has a broad range of pitch deck templates, made either by venture capital firms who wanted to provide layouts for start-ups or by start-ups themselves who used it for their investors. Feel free to have a look yourself. You can also decide to upload your very own template and share it to the world.

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