Brandon Rohrer Developer of BECCA & Data Scientist at Facebook Follow views 127 downloads 2 reviews 0 Video File 1Brandon RohrerDeveloper of BECCA & Data Scientist at FacebookDiscuss with Brandon Rohrer!mailPrivate messageFollowmailBioBECCA is an open-sourced, general purpose, learning algorithm. Brandon works with data science, machine learning, and algorithm development.Tagsbackpropogationcodingdiagramsmathsneural netsneural networksprogrammingWebsite Networks views 127 downloads 2 reviews 0 Video File 1Deep Neural Networks TutorialThis is an introduction to neural networks; their principles and back-propagation.mathsdiagramsprogrammingcodingneural nets127Discuss free Publish your own Best Practice
Deep Neural Networks TutorialThis is an introduction to neural networks; their principles and back-propagation.mathsdiagramsprogrammingcodingneural nets127Discuss free