Sample Business Plan Template
Originally published: 27/10/2021 12:40
Publication number: ELQ-23304-1
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Sample Business Plan Template

Our sample business plan template includes step by step guide on how and what you need to include in your business plan.

Our sample business plan template includes step by step guide on how and what you need to include in your winning business plan.

In this sample business plan template, we have included help and guidelines about the purpose of each section and how to complete that particular section.

Our business plan software and this template will save entrepreneurs critical time and make their business plan writing experience a lot easier.

A standard business plan consists of a single document consists of several segments including a description of the company, customer pain problem, your solution including product or services, market research, marketing strategy, competitor analysis, sales strategies, funding requirements, and financial data.

If you are looking for a business plan template for a particular industry, you can browse our sample business plans and find a business plan example specific to your industry.

Sample Business Plan Template outline
This sample business plan template includes the following sections:

The Quick Pitch: Executive Summary & Elevator Pitch
Executive Summary
Business summary
Business aims
Financial summary
Units Sold v/s Revenue chart
Elevator Pitch
Your business name
Do you need a strapline?
Your elevator pitch
What are you going to sell?
Problem Analysis
Solution Description
Solution Features
Product and Services
What are you going to sell?
Describe the basic product/service you are going to sell.
Describe the different types of product/service you are going to sell.
If you are not going to sell all your products/services at the start of your business, explain why not and when you will start selling them.
All about you and your team
Owner's Background
Why do you want to run your own business?
Previous work experience
Qualifications and education
Hobbies and interests
Team Members
John Doe
Jana Doe
Who are your customers?
The Market
Explain whether your customers are businesses or individuals.
Describe your typical customer
Describe where your typical customers are based
Explain what prompts your customers to buy your product/service
Describe factors that help your customers choose which business to buy from
Explain whether you have sold any products/ services already
Explain how many customers you have waiting to buy from you
Do you know what it's like out there?
Market Research
Desk research uses information from the internet and books.
Field research involves asking potential customers their opinion of your business.
Test trading lets you practice running your business.
Market Size
How will you contact your customers?
Marketing Strategy
Word of mouth
Business literature – leaflets and business cards
Direct marketing
Social media
Tradeshow and exhibitions
Who are your competitors and how do you compare?
Competitor Analysis
Table of competitors
SWOT analysis
Unique Selling Point (USP)
Competitive Advantages
How will customers get the goods and you get paid?
Operations And Logistics
Delivery to customers
Legal requirements
Management and staff
How much will it cost?
How much money will you make?
Sales and Cost Forecast
Sales calculations
Costs calculations
Personal Survival Budget
Cashflow Forecast
Costs Table
What if it doesn't work?
Backup Plan
Think about what changes you may be able to make to your business in the short term that would help you to make cost savings or earn more money.
Consider what changes you may be able to make long term.
If you do decide to close your business, consider what skills and experience you have now – and as a result of doing the Enterprise program – that would help you to take your next step.
Think about what you have learned as a result of running your own business.

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