Tim Raybould CEO at Ticketleap Follow 26 views 2.3k downloads 674 reviews 47 Downloadable Best Practice 1Tim RaybouldCEO at TicketleapDiscuss with Tim Raybould!mailPrivate messageFollow 26mailBioGraduate from the University of Delaware, Tim started off his career as a professional for Pwc, which followed on to becoming a co-founder for Acruw, Inc. Shortly after, he became the CFO for Ticketleap that escalated to his current position as CEO.TagscashflowexcelforecastfreemodelstartuptemplateSocialCategoriesStartup Financial Models views 2.3k downloads 674 reviews 47 Downloadable Best Practice 1Cash Model Template for StartupsTemplate to forecast your startup's cash expenditure, cash-flow as well as downside potential. modelforecaststartuptemplateexcel2,305Discussadd_shopping_cart free Publish your own Best Practice
Cash Model Template for StartupsTemplate to forecast your startup's cash expenditure, cash-flow as well as downside potential. modelforecaststartuptemplateexcel2,305Discussadd_shopping_cart free