How to work as a team and facilitate collaboration?
Originally published: 22/04/2020 16:49
Publication number: ELQ-57295-1
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How to work as a team and facilitate collaboration?

We can accomplish much more when we work together. “Alone we go faster, together we go further.” – African Proverb🗣


“Alone we go faster, together we go further.” – African Proverb🗣

It is true that we can accomplish much more when we work together👥. By surrounding ourselves with people who possess experiences and skills that are different yet complementary to our own, we can more forward faster and further. That is why teamwork is so important👭.

According to, a team is a group of people who are united in order to reach a common goal👥📍. Each member of the team works with one-another to reach this same objective. They share some values and a common vision; they put together their experience, skills and know-how, and are carried by their mutual desire to succeed🏆.

However, it is not sufficient to simply gather several individuals together to make them a team. You must create a bond, a spirit of teamwork that unites all these people so that they want to work together and succeed on their common goals🤝💪🏽.

Discover 6 tips to facilitate teamwork.

  • Step n°1 |

    Clearly defined objectives

    This is where it all begins. If you assemble a team, it is because you have a mission to complete. 💡In order to make sure that your team is carrying your project towards success, you must make sure that team members know the collective goals you are striving for, as well as their own role, responsibilities and expected results🗒📈.

    Make sure that everyone has completely understood what you are expecting of them; what are the goals are and that every individual is working hard to achieve them✅💬👤.
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  • Step n°2 |

    The importance of communication

    Communication is the key to any effective team🗣. Without communication, every member of the team will progress in isolation and chaos can quickly engulf the project👩🏼‍💻. It is impossible to know which tasks have already been completed, which ones are currently being worked on, and those that haven’t even been started✅❎. How can you know if a task is being delayed, if a partner has come across a problem or if he/she needs help to finish on time?⏰

    Communication improves the efficiency of your team. Everyone knows that the progression of each task and the evolution of projects in real time is what expedites the bigger picture.📈 Equally, it is in daily communication that we eliminate the small functioning errors and that we work in our most high-performing manner🔎.

    Another important point: participants must be able to express themselves freely and share their ideas. Whilst promoting these exchanges at the centre of the team, you develop creativity and the ability to innovate in your workers💡. Problems are resolved more quickly when we hunt for solutions together👬.
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