Release Burndown Chart for Agile Projects
Originally published: 02/11/2020 08:03
Publication number: ELQ-59982-1
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Release Burndown Chart for Agile Projects

An Excel Template to create a Release Burndown Chart to measure your team's progress towards its next release.

Create a Release Burndown Chart in minutes using this template. You can then take a printout of it and stick it on the team's board, if your team is working at the same place. If not, you simply share the e-copy of the chart.

Used in Agile planning for software product development, a Release Burndown Chart is a visual way for everyone in the project to view the team's progress towards the next release. It instantly conveys everyone whether or not they are likely to complete the planned work for the upcoming release. Once known, great teams course-correct either by removing bottlenecks in their work or by adjusting the scope. A Release Burndown chart is a great and simple tool to monitor progress. Jira users have access to this chart within Jira. For software that do not have an in-built Release Burndown chart, this template will prove to be handy.

This chart can be used for both, small projects with only a few sprints or large projects with multiple sprints before a release. The charts uses 'Story Points' as its main metric to measure progress in each sprint. To prepare your Release Burndown Chart, you will have to calculate three values at the end of each sprint - Story Points at the beginning, Story Points completed in the sprint and any Story Points added or removed from the release plan.

The excel file is completely editable, in case you want to build further to meet your requirements.

This Best Practice includes
1 Excel File

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Further information

To quickly develop a Release Burndown Chart, which is used to measure the development team's progress towards the upcoming release

Agile Projects

Projects that are not Agile

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