Strategic Planning Template
Originally published: 19/02/2018 16:02
Publication number: ELQ-39762-1
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Strategic Planning Template

Strategic Planning can often be an arduous task - this easy tool will help simplify your business' strategic plan!

This PowerPoint presentation will enable you to identify key areas within your business that require attention. This will allow you to shape the direction of your business, establishing key areas in which much of your business' time and energy will be spent in order to push your business further.

This presentation will break down the strategic planning process into 4 simple and easy to follow steps. The first aim of this tool is to identify different themes. These themes are the most important things that you want your business to focus on in the coming year. For instance, this may be a goal to increase your business' revenue from X to Y over the coming business year. As such, you will be able to highlight around 5 key areas that can be worked on.

The second stage to this template will allow you to establish your goals in relation to these themes. With the help of this template you will be able to identify levels with which you may track analyse your business' performance. This template offers what is called a "card" for each of your identified goals. This card will summarise the plan to attain each goal, as well as identifying those responsible for the success of the goal.

The third stage of this 4 part template will give you the opportunity to identify key features required to make sure that all of your themes and goals are moving in the right direction.

Finally, this tool will allow you to divide up the workload between your staff, creating a structure to each goal and theme. Using this tool will help you identify those responsible for the successes of each theme and goal.

This tool will help you create a detailed, yet simple blueprint for your business. This will help you establish a series of accomplishable aims for your business.

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1 PowerPoint Presentation

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