Last version published: 14/04/2020 13:23
Publication number: ELQ-17896-5
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Succession Planning
A simple Excel Support & PowerPoint Presentation to organise a Succession plan for a company.
Further information
The Template of Succession Planning will enable record keeping and planning for the following:
- Identification of successors for key positions
- Leadership development opportunities
- Employee retention and skill development
- Strengthening the bench strength of organization
- Employee development plan
- Effective continuity planning in case of vacation of key position
This template is most effective for following:
- Identification of employee development skills
- Strengthening the bench of an
- Employee retention and skill enhancement
- Employee development plan
- Employee retention plan
- Operational efficiency through back-up plan of employees
- Back-up for Key Positions
- Successor for key positions / Sr. Management
- Handover of jobs in key positions
- Takeover of duties in key positions
- Strategic planning for organizational structure
- Strategic planning for change management
- Restructuring of Management
Ideally this tool does not apply for HR day to day operations.