Last version published: 24/10/2017 10:19
Publication number: ELQ-33241-7
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How to Write a Business Plan
To-the-point business plan format methodology aimed at 15-20 slide length.
(This content is originally from Sequoia Capital. For the original article, please visit )
Many companies, like Sequoia, like business plans that present lots of information with the fewest words possible.
Hence, the Sequoia team has made a business plan format that will only need within 15-20 slides to lay out all your information!
- Step n°1 |
Company Purpose
Define the company in a single, declarative sentence. - Step n°2 |
Your Problem
Describe the pain of the customer (or the customer's customer).
- Outline how the customer addresses the issue today - Step n°3 |
The Solution
Demonstrate your company's value proposition to make the customer's life better.
- Show where your product physically sits.
- Provide use cases.