Q&A Tracking Sheet for a Financial Model (Excel)
Originally published: 24/05/2018 13:39
Publication number: ELQ-44986-1
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Q&A Tracking Sheet for a Financial Model (Excel)

This is sheet can be inserted with the financial model to keep track of Q&As on the financial model.

Usually the questions and answers related to the model is done either on the body of an email or it is send in a word document.

In my experience, it is more efficient to keep track of all Q&As related to the model in a separate sheet within the corresponding model and keep this sheet through out the due diligence process.

This is useful for internal discussions and also when you receive comments on the model from the model auditor or any other third party.

This is in line with the principal of transparency and also it is an efficient way to keep track of any comment received on the model.

This Best Practice includes
1 Excel Spreadsheet

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Further information

To facilitate documenting and keeping track of Q&As related to financial models

Can be inserted within any spreadsheet

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