Financial Modeling Best Practices
Originally published: 17/06/2020 09:03
Publication number: ELQ-14203-1
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Financial Modeling Best Practices

The PDF files listed down the best practices for better designing of financial model and useful excel shortcuts.

The PDF file listed down the best practices to be followed in a financial model (any type of models like project finance models, Valuation, Restructuring, Data models) and help the user in better designing model structure, worksheets, inputs, calculations and formulas. It list down all the do's and don'ts which needs to be practiced while working on financial models. This will help the modeler to design a model in more structured manner, flexible and easy to understand for a layman.

The uploaded PDF list down the best practices under different section Model structure, Worksheet structure, Input structure, Calculation Structure, Formula Designing and help the users in covering every aspect of the financial model.
I have also compiled all the useful excel shortcuts which helps in increasing the efficiency while building financial or business models and while reviewing the excel models.

The best practices doesn't include any theory, the information is presented in pointer format in simple language and will take only 5 - 10 minutes for a user to go through all the points.

If you works on day and night on the financial models, go through these points and provide your thoughts on the same, happy to make it more comprehensive based on your feedback.

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