Last version published: 18/01/2019 10:44
Publication number: ELQ-54960-2
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Platform & Bolt on Acquisition Planning Excel Model Template
Acquisition planning model including the initial purchase of a platform asset and up to 10 bolt on acquisitions
Further information
To help an investor to plan acquisitions of both platform and bolt-on acquisition models to better understand cash and funding requirements
To calculate a valuation/IRR of the potential of the acquisition of a platform asset and subsequent bolt on
For use by someone who works in private equity, corporate finance, internal M&A, M&A, corporate development, start-ups, anyone looking to purchase a privately owned business
Someone with a good understanding of corporate finance, accounting and how models work
Where the user does not have experience of using models
Where the user wants proper business consolidation accounting - this model take a high level approach to the integration of each bolt on acquisition
Where the user is not financially literate