Last version published: 18/09/2024 00:22
Publication number: ELQ-22870-4
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IT Project ROI (Return on Investment) Tool
Legacy documents that credibly assess/quantify the costs and benefits (ROI / TCO) of a variety of IT investments
Further information
• Supports most types of enterprise-scale technology initiatives.
-> Includes sample cost and benefit data for 18 common initiative types.
• Comprehensive assessment of initiative costs and benefits:
-> Costs: hardware; software, IT labor, training, and services and user labor and training
-> Benefits: IT labor TCO savings. other direct cost savings, user productivity benefits, revenue growth, and non-financial key performance indicators
• Calculates annual on-going IT Labor TCO (total cost of ownership)
• Comprehensive financial analysis.
-> Calculates project cash flow, cost-benefit analysis, ROI. NPV, IRR. and payback period
• Supports rapid (30 minute) or detailed (3+ day) assessments.
-> This model was designed to provide either a rapid assessment (by just entering/selecting basic organizational profile and initiative information) or a very detailed (3+ day) assessment by modifying hundreds of detailed inputs.
• Protected, yet customizable:
-> Essentially all values can be modified. Many custom cost and benefit items can be added. Formulas and other areas of the model that should not be modified are protected (locked) to maintain intended functionality. HCR can provide additional fee-based customization, if desired.
• Based on industry-standard calculations and industry-leading methodologies.
-> It is as transparent as possible so the user is able to understand how the costs and benefits are calculated.
• Provides research-based default values.
-> Default values (labor costs. user type mix. financial information. etc.) are provided based on your industry, geography, organization size and initiative type to enable more rapid assessments. Extensive research was conducted to find highly reputation sources for
these. Data/estimate sources are listed. You may overwrite any of the pre-populated defaults.
• User-friendly.
-> The workbook contains instructions. descriptions. and references. Results are updated real-time and are displayed graphically throughout the model. Although the model is user-friendly. we recommend users have at least a moderately-advanced understanding of business value concepts to develop a credible business case.
• This workbook can be used as a standard corporate business case template for technology-based initiatives.
• It can also be used by consultants and technology vendors to articulate the business value of their products and solutions.
• This tool is intended to help guide organizations in better understanding approximate/potential costs and benefits. Due to limitations of simulation tools, actual results may differ significantly than results estimated in this tool. Investment decisions should not be based on the results of this model alone - it is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice.
• This information is provided to you as a tool 'as is" with the understanding that there are no representations or warranties of any kind either express or implied.
• In no event shall AnalysisPlace or suppliers be liable for any damages. including those arising as a result of AnalysisPlace or supplier negligence. whether those damages are direct, consequential, incidental or special, lowing from your use of or inability to use the tool, or information provided herewith, or results of the tool's use, even if AnalysisPlace or suppliers has been advised of the possibility of such damages.