Originally published: 16/01/2018 12:09
Last version published: 02/03/2018 15:16
Publication number: ELQ-91575-2
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How to Transform Teams Through Design Thinking

Professor Bill Burnett of Stanford University outlines how to transform teams through design thinking.

This video talks about teams and how you transform them into high-performance and innovative teams, using design thinking methods.

Teams are a collection of people formed around organisational tasks such as productivity and performance. However, this video focuses on teams as being a collection of behaviours and norms. If you want to transform your team, then you need to change behaviours by substituting old habits for new habits. Two ways of doing this is changing the way your team brainstorms, and changing their workspace. Furthermore, you change these behaviours by modelling, and this will be discussed further in the video.

If you are looking to transform the way your teams perform, then this video will give you a comprehensive insight on how design thinking can be a positive tool in achieving optimal team performance!

Video Length: 52:37

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1 Video File

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