Publication number: ELQ-65963-1
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How to Build Sustainable Health and Well-being
How To Build Sustainable Health and Well-being
"How do you manage through the stress of living in New York, a family, huge student debt, a full-time job, plus writing and the other stuff you do?"
Well, that's a question for the ages. It's mostly been through trial and error, big mistakes, consistent tweaking, finding Moses, having to live through great upheaval, moving 20 times, rebirth, being born with sensitive digestion and high sensitivity. Nothing's been easy, but hard work's paid off.
I haven't let my "circumstances" break me, simply. But also, it's through discipline and patience. Rome wasn't built in a day. Along the way, I've learned a lot about how to maintain my health - both physical and mental - and what is most important to the process.
**Here is the A-Z of what I've done to get to where I am today**:
- Step n°1 |
Eat a consistently balanced diet.
Accustom your digestive system to wholesome foods and make it a habit (with variations to keep things interesting). Experiment, but have a solid backbone of a regimen.
Eat a bigger breakfast, light lunch and light dinner before 7 PM.
Eat a wide variety of foods. Get your vitamins and minerals through food, not supplements.
Don't eat too much sugar. Avoid refined foods, preservatives and complex-sounding ingredients.
Eat a wide variety of foods. Get your vitamins and minerals through food, not supplements.
Keep your portions small by using smaller plates. Make your own food at home to control nutrition and costs.
Focus on maintaining a healthy digestive system. Don't push it to the edge too often or you will end up (permanently) sick or worse.The goal is to limit inflammation and oxidation. Therefore, watch how much spicy and acidic food you eat (and never late at night), how much dairy you consume (the less, the better).
Consumer adequate fiber and B vitamins from whole grains and green vegetables. Make salads often. Eat little or no red meat (poultry is better) and lots of fish (better to freeze before cooking, to kill sea words and other parasites). Eat olive oil and drink red wine periodically. Fruits and veggies.
Eat yogurt and drink kefir to maintain thriving gut bacteria (a key to the whole process of digestion). - Step n°2 |
Hydrate throughout the day
But don't drink too much water, either. Sip lukewarm water with honey and lemon several times a day.
Drink water before meals (ideally, 15-30 minutes before) and 30+ minutes after (but never DURING the meal). - Step n°3 |
Walking even twice a day and getting up to stretch every hour does marvels for your health (more than going to the gym before or after work!) - Step n°4 |
Learn to relieve stress safely and effectively every single day.
Take regular breaks. Switch things up (go out after work, meet friends, create new experiences). - Step n°5 |
Sleep well
7-8 hours a night, most importantly. Block out as much sound and light as you can from your bedroom (use blackout shades, turn off appliances in the background, etc.). Keep all your devices far away from you while you sleep. Pay careful attention to your circadian rhythms and don't mess with them!
Maintain good dental hygiene twice a day - floss, mouthwash, brush thoroughly, use a tongue scraper. When your mouth is inflamed or bleeding, it's often a sign of bigger health problems.
Learn to plan and prepare ahead of important meetings, at work and at home. Prep meals for the next day ahead of time before you sleep. Prepare the clothes and shoes you'll wear, plus whatever else you need in your bag for tomorrow.
Reduce the number of decisions you have to make in the morning (and in general, every day).
Resolve all the conflicts with people that you can before going to sleep.
Take vacations! - Step n°6 |
Know who you are and where you're going in life.
Now march to the beat of your own drummer. - Step n°7 |
Meditate daily and weekly
Observe your own personal Sabbath, especially from everything digital.
Know where you came from and where you're going. Who are you, in the grand scheme of things? What is the meaning of life for you? What are your mission and purpose?
Keep up a weekly (ideally, daily) check-in with yourselfabout your progress on the spiritual front.
Learn from every man and woman you meet, whether what to do or NOT to do. Take classes to learn the wisdom and coping/survival/thriving strategies of other traditions outside your own.
Know that there is a reason for everything you go through, everything that happens to you and everyone else. You may not know the reasons now, but you'll see them later.
All setbacks are growth opportunities. Don't waste them in self-pity. Move on and learn the lessons quickly. - Step n°8 |
Know that every problem you have or will ever have has been faced by many other people
Including family, friends and acquaintances (and people posting online).
Seek out their wisdom and use it. Don't reinvent the wheel. Read Quora. Read forums, interest groups, crowdsource solutions from your networks. Ask for advice - you may even get a job out of it!