Competitors Analysis Templates
Originally published: 12/02/2024 09:12
Last version published: 13/02/2024 11:15
Publication number: ELQ-46744-2
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Competitors Analysis Templates

7 Powerpoint Templates to perform standardized research and create Competitors Analysis reports.

  1. Against whom are we competing?
  2. What are their Objectives?
  3. What strategies are they pursuing and how successful are they?
  4. What strength and weakness do they possess?
  5. How are they likely to behave and react to offensive moves?
  6. 5 forces
    1. How easy or difficult is it for new entrants to start?
    2. How easily can a product or service be substituted, especially made cheaper?
    3. How strong is the position of buyers? Can they work together in ordering large volumes?
    4. How strong is the position of sellers? Do many potential suppliers exist or only few potential suppliers, monopoly?
    5. Is there a strong competition between existing players? Is one player very dominant?

In the bustling marketplace, understanding your competitors is like deciphering the moves of your chess opponent. Competitor analysis is your detective game, uncovering their strengths, weaknesses, and strategic plays.

But what secrets are waiting to be revealed?

  • Identify your true rivals: Not all competitors are created equal. Pinpoint the ones vying for your same customers and market share.
  • Analyze their offerings: Deconstruct their products, services, and pricing strategies. What are their unique selling points? Where do they excel?
  • Uncover their marketing tactics: How do they reach their target audience? What channels do they leverage? What messages resonate with their customers?
  • Assess their strengths and weaknesses: Identify their competitive edge and potential vulnerabilities. Can you learn from their successes and exploit their shortcomings?
  • Stay ahead of the curve: Track their innovations and anticipate their next moves. This allows you to react proactively and maintain your competitive edge.

Remember, competitor analysis is an ongoing process. Regularly gather intel and adapt your strategies to stay one step ahead in the game of business.

This Best Practice includes
7 powerpoint templates

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