Last version published: 25/08/2021 14:51
Publication number: ELQ-32841-6
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How to Determine your Eloquens Strategy
This strategy guide shows you which categories are in high demand and how to maximize the growth of your channel.
Unsure of which strategic direction to take as an Eloquens author? Undecided on what to create next? With our new strategy guide, you can choose the best route to take when publishing your best practices.
- Step n°1 |
The Place to Be: Strong Holds
The ‘place to be’ categories are amongst some of the most popular categories that Eloquens has to offer. These categories are not just popular on Eloquens.com, but also rank highly on the first page of search engines.thumb_up + Great exposure for your best practices and author profile
+ Guaranteed demand for the type of best practices that you publish
+ Wealth of best practices to use as a reference point for your own workthumb_down - High-quality best practices with which to compete
- More crowded market - Step n°2 |
Surf the Wave: Opportunity
The ‘Opportunity’ section showcases the categories that currently have few tools, yet are highly demanded by users.
Although not as established as the ‘place to be’ categories, these categories are strong in terms of popularity.thumb_up + Demand for tools in these categories
+ Less competition than ‘Place to be’ categories
+ Greater opportunity to become a ‘Top Category Author’thumb_down - Less tools for reference when uploading your own tools
- Less popular than the ‘Place to be’ categories