How to Master Entrepreneurial Marketing
Originally published: 25/11/2019 15:38
Publication number: ELQ-58667-1
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How to Master Entrepreneurial Marketing

If customers don’t know you exist, your startup will fail. Learn how to master marketing so that you will succeed


Marketing is everything these days. You can have the best technology, but if customers don’t know you exist, or they don’t know how your technology solves a real problem for them, your startup will fail. Yet I see many technology entrepreneurs that focus on the basics of marketing too little and too late.

They skimp on the design of their website, procrastinate on the rollout to make sure the product is perfect, and get so excited about technology features that they forget about creating value for customers. In fact, this article was driven by a startup press release I saw a while back, highlighting a startup’s “geo-fencing technology” as a new basis for discount coupons. How many customers will have any idea what this means to them?

On the marketing side of the equation, there are so many “marketing gurus” and “marketing resources” out there, the real challenge for most of us is to sort out the basic do’s and the don’ts that apply to startups. I like the guidance from marketing coach David Newman’s classic book “Do It! Marketing,” which provides some pragmatic marketing tips for small businesses as follows:

  • Step n°1 |

    Don’t tell customers how great you are.

    Parroting a generic message that you have great service, great value, and a great selection says you have nothing unique. You need to clearly convey what makes your startup the only choice for your customers. Give yourself the “So-what?” test and check for a compelling value-based answer.
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  • Step n°2 |

    Don’t fall into the marketing-speak trap.

    Don’t fall for the temptation to make big claims, empty promises, and mind-boggling jargon. Learn to speak a new customer-specific dialect based on current research and homework. Go directly to the source – your real live customers, and get their priorities, issues, pressures, and challenges.
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