BXL PQ Helper - Import/Export Power Query Functions and Queries
Originally published: 13/12/2021 08:51
Last version published: 01/07/2022 14:52
Publication number: ELQ-18191-3
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BXL PQ Helper - Import/Export Power Query Functions and Queries

Import Power Query functions and queries easily into Excel workbooks - FREE

How do I save and reuse queries?I found this question back in 2015 on Microsoft's TechNet forum. The answer really didn't address reuse. I had the same need, so I created my own tools.Then in Dec. of 2021, a forum poster asked how to, with VBA, import a query, run it, then delete it so the workbook wouldn't open with the dreaded SECURITY ALERT! The tools I created back in 2015 addressed his needs. So I decided to update my tools and give them to the forum poster - and while I was at it, give them to all my Excel friends as a Christmas gift.While this was designed initially for my own use as a VBA developer, it is also useful for non-VBA users as it does things more efficiently than what Microsoft offers natively in Excel. One example is Power Query functions are spread across two of Excel’s ribbon tabs: Data and Queries. This tool places them in one place along with BXL enhancements.One BXL enhancement is importing queries. This tool loads as many as we can select – all at once. Excel’s Queries & Connections icon (on Data tab) only loads one at a time. Another enhancement is this tool’s ability to show and delete all connections. Excel’s Queries & Connections pane, Connection tab doesn’t show all and only allows deleting one at a time. If we want to clear all connections, we really need this tool for that. So, if our client only needs the data we loaded using Power Query, we can use this tool to remove all queries and all connections and avoid the dreaded SECURITY ALERT!

This Best Practice includes
1 Excel Add-in (Windows version)

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Further information

Share queries across Excel workbooks.

This is for Windows Only.

Do not use with Mac.

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