Originally published: 28/06/2020 20:44
Publication number: ELQ-66152-1
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Publication number: ELQ-66152-1
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IT Services Outsourcing Pricing Template
Build your a Pricing Strategy with this IT Service Pricing Model Template
This is a detailed and comprehensive pricing tool developed on IT as an outsourced service. This Model was used on several best of class outsourced deals proving IT services to companies globally including BAT, VISA, Deutche Bank, Cerdien and many more.
The Model has the following features:
- The ability to setup tailored pricing structure using customised cost classifications, Accounting treatments, Cost and Revenue codes
- Set the contract and bid dates with Transitional and transformation periods including mobilisation and pre-bid dates.
- Build up capability units and towers to price based on capability services.
- Manage the Opex and Capex seamlessly through the costing worksheets.
- Manage detailed Capital expenditures on a time basis and build up Fixed assets with individual depreciation classes.
- Ability to preview raw costs and with the Cost of Money applied.
- Manage the build of service costs and pricing on all the major currencies. the model is capable of using 24 currencies simultaneously.
- By choose service deliveries by countries and regions makes the model very versatile and able to work with Global Multinational companies.
- The model has functionality for lease financing and can be linked into the capital.
- Manage financial accounting such as prepayments, Accruals, Revenue recognition points, Suppliers and supplier terms, Payment terms, Indexation an and Margin setting.
- The model has the ability to set a winning price from the outset which will then cause alerts when building costs.
In addition this model can be easily customised and does not need to be used as IT Services model, it can be used in any service based scenario where there is a need to price the overall service. There is a comprehensive error checking built into every aspect of the model and a self checking Audit to assess the integrity of the model.
Included is a model interface which can allow this model to interface with other best practice pricing tools from the same vendor seamlessly including the Accounting module.
This is a detailed and comprehensive pricing tool developed on IT as an outsourced service. This Model was used on several best of class outsourced deals proving IT services to companies globally including BAT, VISA, Deutche Bank, Cerdien and many more.
The Model has the following features:
- The ability to setup tailored pricing structure using customised cost classifications, Accounting treatments, Cost and Revenue codes
- Set the contract and bid dates with Transitional and transformation periods including mobilisation and pre-bid dates.
- Build up capability units and towers to price based on capability services.
- Manage the Opex and Capex seamlessly through the costing worksheets.
- Manage detailed Capital expenditures on a time basis and build up Fixed assets with individual depreciation classes.
- Ability to preview raw costs and with the Cost of Money applied.
- Manage the build of service costs and pricing on all the major currencies. the model is capable of using 24 currencies simultaneously.
- By choose service deliveries by countries and regions makes the model very versatile and able to work with Global Multinational companies.
- The model has functionality for lease financing and can be linked into the capital.
- Manage financial accounting such as prepayments, Accruals, Revenue recognition points, Suppliers and supplier terms, Payment terms, Indexation an and Margin setting.
- The model has the ability to set a winning price from the outset which will then cause alerts when building costs.
In addition this model can be easily customised and does not need to be used as IT Services model, it can be used in any service based scenario where there is a need to price the overall service. There is a comprehensive error checking built into every aspect of the model and a self checking Audit to assess the integrity of the model.
Included is a model interface which can allow this model to interface with other best practice pricing tools from the same vendor seamlessly including the Accounting module.
This Best Practice includes
1 Excel File
Further information
Provides a service pricing tool