Last version published: 20/06/2017 10:12
Publication number: ELQ-22652-5
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How to build a successful Digital Marketing and Measurement Model
A 5-step guide to perfecting your digital marketing and measurement model.
- Step n°1 |
Identify the Business Objectives.
Ask this question: Why does your website/campaign exist? (Think of acquisition, behavior and outcomes.)
This is a difficult question to answer because it requires more thinking that you might anticipate. If you do it right at the end of step one you’ll have something that looks like the picture.
Identifying the business objectives mandates a discussion, multiple discussions, with the senior-most leaders in your company and working with them / sweet-talking their egos and hearts with gentle encouragement, to identify why the site / campaign / digital marketing invitiative exists.
Based on those discussions, in our case, we’ve identified three objectives:
1/ Create awareness
2/generate leads for the builders
3/ and highlight community events.
Here’s a great test. Your objectives should be DUMB:
If they are too out there, you'll never get anywhere. If they are too vague, nothing will get done. If they are too lame, they'll inspire no one. Go for real world, clear, executable and those that deliver value to the company (short term and long).
Are your objectives dumb?lightbulb_outlinePro Tip: One way to ensure success is to forget that you are creating a set of videos or that you are building a site to host downloads of pdfs or that you are trying to mimic a campaign from Europe.
Really, really, really think hard about why you are doing what you are doing. Get the answer from your executive/client. - Step n°2 |
Identify Goals for each Objective.
Drilling down to identify website/campaign Goals requires critical thinking from both the Management, Marketers, and the Analysts – with Management in the leadership role.
My definition: Goals are specific strategies you'll leverage to accomplish the business objectives.
After going through some of the acquisition, behavior questions with stakeholders, here’s our model on the picture.
Clean. Has a clear direct line between Goal and each objective. Provides immense clarity.
To deliver on "Create Awareness," in this case, the site needs to support all the offline efforts along with having a relevant online traffic acquisition strategy.
"Generating Leads" comprises the twin goals of providing all kinds of information that will help potential home buyers to make their decision and to collect e-newsletter registrations as well as e-requests for an onsite tour of the model home by the builder.
Finally, "Highlight Events" is for prospective home buyers (visitors to our site). By making them happy with delightful events, at the construction site hopefully in model homes for sale, they can be converted into Net Promoters (to others) and Buyers (themselves).
These goals provide clarity, but they also contain large chunks of specific marching orders for what the Marketers and Analysts need to get done.lightbulb_outlinePro Tip: This is super key: Macro + Micro Conversions! If the goals identified don’t cover all the jobs the site/campaign is doing then you might need to revisit your work.
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