Business Model Canvas 101 Excel Template
Originally published: 20/03/2019 08:17
Publication number: ELQ-54914-1
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Business Model Canvas 101 Excel Template

Creating a company is not an easy task. Understanding your environment is essential in order to succeed. Here how to.

If you want to create your own company, you need to know your environment very well and for this we give you a structure that you can follow and use, not only at the moment of creation but also on a regular base in order to assess if you are still on track or already deviating from your target. It helps you define your product, understand better your revenue streams, give you an overview about your customers and competitors, helps you define a good value proposition, decide on your various distribution Channels, focus on you Key Activities, assign correctly your Key Resources, select your Key Partners, define a adequate Cost Structure, makes you think about the Long Term Mission of your business, the strategy to reach it Strategy. You can fill up the template in various direction but we give you here a proposal step by step.

The first step will be to define the Value Proposition, this is followed by the customer segment and then the Distribution Channels, next the key activities & key Resources &, Key Partners and the Competitions, understanding the Cost Structure is essential and finally the Long Term Goals, Mission and Strategy can be written down.

After this you would have a quite good overview of your activities.

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