Publication number: ELQ-51739-1
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How to Deliver a Great Pitch
Advice for pitching that will generally apply for all types of presentations.
We're currently getting ready for demo day at YC, which means quite a lot of pitch practice. Here are the main points of feedback we tend to give to teams. This advice works for almost any kind of presentation you might give.
- Step n°1 |
-Speak slowly and enunciate
-Be excited. Your pitch should not sound memorized. Intonation, cadence, and projecting help a lot
-Be specific and concise
-Look at the audience. You don't have to make eye contact with individuals, just with areas of the crowd. People in those areas will think you've made eye contact with them
-Don't use generic phrases as transitions ("so...")
-Actually explain what you do, and do it quickly
-If you make a large transition, be very clear about it and explain why
-Don't be "cute" with your points, be declarative
-If you make a joke, telegraph it. If you're not sure the joke will land, cut it
-Don't hide the big good things because you are modest, highlight them specifically early on
-Use natural language and simple sentences, i.e. no sentences with three verbs
-Don't use words you wouldn't use in normal conversation
-If an example is a real person, make it clear that you're talking about a real person, not a user model
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