Last version published: 24/08/2022 13:36
Publication number: ELQ-98940-3
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How to increase your Best Practice Sales/Downloads on Eloquens
A Best Practice designed to show you tried and tested strategies for increasing your Eloquens sales/downloads as well as how to successfully implement them.
Further information
- Provide authors with strategies that are proven to increase sales/downloads.
- Help them create a long term plan for increasing their sales so they can sustain a good level of consistent sales for a long time.
- If you are an Eloquens author looking to boost your sales or downloads on Eloquens.
- If you feel the intervals at which your Best Practice(s) sell are too inconsistent.
- If you are not an author and have no plans of becoming one.
- If you have an author account but don't intend on uploading any Best Practices.
- If your sales are already as good as they can be.
- If you have literally have no time to commit to increasing your sales.