Vessels Excel Workbook
Originally published: 24/11/2017 14:33
Last version published: 27/11/2017 14:07
Publication number: ELQ-87547-2
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Vessels Excel Workbook

This Vessels workbook has been created to align with Chapter 5: Vessels of textbook "Rules of Thumb for Engineers."

Pressure vessels hold gases or liquids that are very much above or very much below ambient pressures. They are very commonly used in process and manufacturing equipment, petrochemical plants, refineries. spacecraft, submarines, and in all pneumatic and hydraulic systems. The majority of pressure vessels are welded steel cylinders with dished head or convex closures. Tightly controlled by engineering organizations, pressure vessel designs and operations' codes have the force of law.

This template in excel provides blank data sheets for agitators and vessels.

Containing 3 sheets, this tool has 3 detailed tables for you to fill in including some notes to help. This sheets are labelled:
1/ Pressure vessel
2/ Tank
3/ Agitator

Before doing anything with this tool, it is recommended that you 'Save as' first.

This template accompanies Chapter 5 of Rules of Thumb for Engineers, 6th Edition by Stephen M Hall, PE. The templates are intended to solve problems outlined in the book, explain techniques for converting U.S. & SI units of measure, demonstrate data look up methods, and provide you with ready-to-use data sheets. The function subroutines can also be copied to other spreadsheets.

You can buy the textbook here:

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