Your new Excel buddy… toolKCit for Excel!
Originally published: 25/04/2020 08:16
Last version published: 07/06/2021 07:15
Publication number: ELQ-65857-3
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Your new Excel buddy… toolKCit for Excel!

toolKCit is a new toolbar for Excel to help you work more efficiently in Excel and provides 19 useful tools in six areas


+ Format tools
• Format number v1 – Formats a number in accounting format with zeros shown as 0
• Format number v2 – Formats a number in accounting format with zeros shown as “-“ means that you can clearly see non-zero values at last!
• Format number v3 – Formats a number with thousands marker, leading minus for negative numbers, zeros shown as “-“
• Format percent - Formats a number as percent, zeros shown as “-“
• Centre across selection – Centres cell content across selected cells; has none of the issues of merged cells!

+ Navigation tools
• List all sheet names – Creates a new sheet called "Worksheet list" with a list of all worksheets with hyperlinks; separator sheets give clear structure; greatly facilitates navigation in files with multiple sheets
• Home cell all sheets - The tool goes through all visible sheets, selects the first cell (taking account of any freeze pane settings) and sets the desired magnification size

+ Information tools
• Insert filename - Inserts a formula in the active cell to automatically show filename; only works if the file has been saved
• Insert sheet name - Inserts a formula in the active cell to automatically show sheetname; only works if the file has been saved
• Identify colour - Tells you the red, green and blue colour values for the background colour of the active cell
• List all linked files - Creates a new sheet with a list of all externally linked files

+ Unhiding tools
• Unhide all sheets - Unhides all worksheets in the file
• Unhide range names - Unhides all range names in the file including very hidden

+ Change tools
• Value paste cells - Copies and pastes the values for the selected cells
• Value paste all sheets - Copies and pastes the values for the whole workbook i.e. formulas are replaced with values - USE WITH CAUTION!
• Correct blanks - Replaces apparent blank characters with real blank characters e.g. so that VLOOKUPs work correctly

+ Calculation tools
• Set manual calculation - Sets calculation option to manual and no recalculation before saving
• Calculate with timer - Calculates all open workbooks and reports total calculation time
• Force full calculation - Forces Excel to completely recalculate all open workbooks

In addition, two new functions are available
• BGCol --> this background colour function gives the red, green and blue values for the relevant cell (e.g. 255-255-0 for bright yellow) which can then be used in calculations, such as SUMIFs to e.g. sum all red cells. This is not possible in standard Excel.
• CellFormula --> gives the cell reference and the formula in the relevant cell as text e.g. [C22] =C6+C20

• The name of each tool gives a good idea what it does
• By hovering over a tool with the mouse, a message “tip” appears giving more details
• Click on the tool to carry out the relevant action

A detailed PDF explains how to install the tool and how to use each of the 19 tools and the two new functions to best advantage. It includes examples and screenshots to help you understand.

toolKCit is a draft version and is subject to testing and amendment.
Correct usage cannot be guaranteed. Use of the toolKCit is at the user's own risk.

This Best Practice includes
1 Excel add-in, 1 PDF handbook, 1 Excel file "toolKCit trainer"

Gary Knott offers you this Best Practice for free!

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Further information

toolKCit is a new toolbar for Excel to help you work more efficiently in Excel and provides 19 useful tools in six areas plus two new functions

User has Excel and at least basic Excel skills

If company IT policies restrict or prohibit the installation of add-ins

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