Workplace Mental wellbeing at work Risk Assessment & Actions Plan
Originally published: 11/07/2022 08:43
Publication number: ELQ-64675-1
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Workplace Mental wellbeing at work Risk Assessment & Actions Plan

This is the individual tool risk assessment workplace Mental welbeing at work and Actions plan

This ready to use Word Template allows you to monitor and analyze mental wellbeing at work  related to workplace safety through stress is defined as “the adverse reaction people have to excessive pressures or other types of demand placed on them”. However pressure itself is not necessarily bad, most people need some level of pressure in order to function. For this reason, managers should ensure that Personal Performance Agreements are *SMART and a joint agreement between manager and team member. It is only when the pressure experienced is perceived as excessive and long term by an individual that ill-health can result and a clear job description and a personal training plan is designed to counter this.

This guidance note provides advice and guidance on how to conduct a Mental Wellbeing at Work Risk Assessment of stress at work in five clear stages using the risk assessment form, overleaf. This is adapted from guidance contained within the HSE paper, “Managing the causes of work-related stress”.
The Action Plan is broken down into 6 areas as follows:
Each item / point is to be assigned a specific action point number
Detail of issues identified or area for potential improvement explained here
Detailing what specific actions are to be implemented to improve the situation identified
This is normally the line manager with operational responsibility for the individual or activity proposed. The Responsible Person would have responsibility for raising an action point and ensuring that the work is completed.
Enter an appropriate (SMART) “Target Date” for implementation / completion in the format dd/mm/yy. It is not acceptable to put in “ongoing“as this is not a Target Date and is not to be used.
When all actions have been fully implemented the Action Plan is to be “Signed off” by the staff member and the line manager and a copy issued to Human Resources for audit purposes.

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helping compagnies, managers, and line management to analyse an individual's mental health and wellbeing at work

All industries scales, public, individual life, freelancer

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