Originally published: 22/02/2020 16:45
Publication number: ELQ-65247-1
View all versions & Certificate
Publication number: ELQ-65247-1
View all versions & Certificate

Housing Excel Model
An in-depth model for real estate industry, in Microsoft Excel.
housingbalance sheetincome statementdcfscenario analysisrevenueexpensescost of constructioncash flow statementirr
This housing model includes a scenario analysis based on the margins that the company or promoter looking for.
This model has been used several times to raise money for projects in subsaharan Africa especially in West Africa.
Key points:
- Scenario: you have three (03) cases, Downside case, Base case and Upside case. Also you can switch easily between these cases thanks to rotary control
- Assumptions are based on opinions provided by expert, data provided by specialized agencies, and on our experience in this field
- Income statement forecast over nine (09) years including revenue, total cost of construction ( land, materials and labor Force), soft cost, development fees, Ebitda, Ebit......
- Balance sheet over nine (09) years including Cash and cash equivalents, Working capital, Fixed asset, Long term Debt, shareholders'Equity...
- Schedules (Working capital / Depreciation / Debt & Interest schedule)
- Free Cashflow and DCF
- Net Cash Flow
- Cumulative Cash Flow
- Internal rate of return (IRR)
- Estimated Exit
- Yield
You can easily customize this model depending on :
- Area
- the margin you are looking for
- The amount of debt you you want to raise
- The part of equity
After purchasing the model you can contact me by email. I can provide you with any additional information and even help you by advising you on your own projects
Contact: https://www.eloquens.com/channel/sadia-ali-traore
This housing model includes a scenario analysis based on the margins that the company or promoter looking for.
This model has been used several times to raise money for projects in subsaharan Africa especially in West Africa.
Key points:
- Scenario: you have three (03) cases, Downside case, Base case and Upside case. Also you can switch easily between these cases thanks to rotary control
- Assumptions are based on opinions provided by expert, data provided by specialized agencies, and on our experience in this field
- Income statement forecast over nine (09) years including revenue, total cost of construction ( land, materials and labor Force), soft cost, development fees, Ebitda, Ebit......
- Balance sheet over nine (09) years including Cash and cash equivalents, Working capital, Fixed asset, Long term Debt, shareholders'Equity...
- Schedules (Working capital / Depreciation / Debt & Interest schedule)
- Free Cashflow and DCF
- Net Cash Flow
- Cumulative Cash Flow
- Internal rate of return (IRR)
- Estimated Exit
- Yield
You can easily customize this model depending on :
- Area
- the margin you are looking for
- The amount of debt you you want to raise
- The part of equity
After purchasing the model you can contact me by email. I can provide you with any additional information and even help you by advising you on your own projects
Contact: https://www.eloquens.com/channel/sadia-ali-traore
This Best Practice includes
1 Excel Support