How to maximize the visibility of your Best Practices on Eloquens
Originally published: 11/01/2018 13:42
Last version published: 25/08/2021 14:48
Publication number: ELQ-61840-25
View all versions & Certificate

How to maximize the visibility of your Best Practices on Eloquens

Get some tips on how to dramatically increase your visibility as an author on Eloquens & maximize your downloads.


You have just joined Eloquens as an Author. Great! Welcome to the community. You will find Eloquens is a very useful platform for you to:

- identify the people downloading your best practices
- increase the visibility of your best practices
- monetize your content
- certify the publication date of your content to protect your IP
- embed any best practice you have published on the site on blog posts or on specific web pages of your personal website thanks to iframes

Here is a step-by-step methodology you can follow to maximize your performance on the platform. All of these tips are based on successful strategies undertaken by Eloquens Authors ranked according to their statistical efficiency.

  • Step n°1 |

    Share your Published best practices on Social Media

    It's easy for useful, actionable and high-quality content to get some kind of visibility on Social Media in your trusted community. Many Eloquens authors have tested this out with success. Here are some platforms in which you can share your best practices.
    thumb_upLinkedIn: highly engaged audience looking for high-quality content - potential for skill recognition. Easy to ignite engagement with likes and comments.
    Quora: Q&A website with high-traffic. If you can answer someone's question with your best practice, provide a high-quality 200 words answer with a link to your best practice on Eloquens. The good thing about Quora is that it can bring you a good initial flow of qualified traffic with 20-30% conversion rates.
    Twitter: if you have a Twitter account, with the correct hashtag you can have a very high level of interest and highly increase your views on the platform - if your content hits the nail on the head - great potential for high visibility and engagement.
    Facebook: if you want to share the word out to your friends so that they can give you immediate feedback and forward this to people who they think may be interested by your best practice - go for Facebook! Facebook ads works really well to target specific people -> so if you want to put a few $ to boost its visibility, test it out! (Potential ROI for Priced best practices)
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  • Step n°2 |

    Send your best practices by Email or Private Message on Social Networks

    To get initial traction on your best practices, you can also decide to target specific groups of people in your own personal network or beyond and send them personalised messages or social media invitations. This will enable you to test out the attractiveness of your best practice with a small personalised audience. 
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  • Step n°3 |

    Publish a Post in Social Media Groups

    LinkedIn & Facebook have well targeted private and public groups/pages/communities in which you can easily publish your best practice with a short comment. As long as you are not spammy, this is a great way to have a quick volume booster on your best practices and build your reputation in these communities.
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  • Step n°4 |

    Work on the SEO (Search Engine Optimization) of your best practices

    Most of the traffic coming to Eloquens comes from Search Engines (Google, Bing, Yahoo and others). If you want to maximise your chances of being on page 1 in the search results of specific keywords linked to best practices you have published, then try this:
    thumb_up -> Have an SEO Friendly Title for your best practice: to choose the right keywords, you can use Google adWords to test different keywords and pick which ones are the most suitable and popular. Notably "Best Practice".

    -> Work on the Short Description for your best practice: here you want to insert two main elements:
    1/ Action words like "Find", "Learn", "Download", "Simple", "Ready-to-use", "Free" to maximise the click rate (this is the short phrase prospective users will see both, in Google Search Results + in the Eloquens Catalog)
    2/ Include SEO friendly keywords: same words as title + similar words in the same semantic fields.

    -> Maximise the readability and length of your Long Description + Objectives + Good for + Not Good for: Pages with high-quality keyword rich and user-friendly content will be appreciated. Try to write around 500 words. This will help you achieve greater "On-Page SEO".
    lightbulb_outline To implement these changes, simply go to your "published bset practices" page and then click on "add a new version" and send your best practice for validation.

    You can learn more about how to improve your SEO in our dedicated best practice for authors here:
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  • Step n°5 |

    Publish at least 4 best practices on Eloquens

    A recent study by the Eloquens team has concluded that authors who share more than 4 best practices on the platform have a greater performance (views, downloads, ratings) than authors with fewer than 4 best practices. Why?

    1/ You appear in more "people using this tool have also downloaded" sections getting more traffic to your best practices.
    2/ Users start to recognise your style and brand name
    3/ You can channel your existing users to other best practices you have published. Remember, it takes more time to acquire a new user rather than work with existing ones! :)
    4/ Your Eloquens Author Channel looks much more complete and trustworthy for prospective users (especially if you are looking to sell on Eloquens)
    5/ Eloquens internal algorithms give a bonus to authors publishing high levels of content. The Maths is simple, the more you publish, the more internal visibility reward you get!
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