The Easter Island Pentagon Framework
Originally published: 19/10/2017 15:27
Last version published: 08/02/2024 12:45
Publication number: ELQ-63199-8
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The Easter Island Pentagon Framework

A 5 branch academic 🏛 framework to analyse 📊 the chances of a company's future success 🥳🎉 or failure.🙊

The aim of this paper📜 was to prove the transferability of Harvard Professor's Jared DIAMOND’s Civilisation analysis framework 📈, in his book “Collapse” 📘, to Corporations and that it can provide unique value 💰 to business leaders 💼 as to take better decisions ✔ for a refined definition of long term success. 🥳🎉

You can buy Jared Diamond's book here 📚.

The transferred framework was named EIP for “Easter Island Pentagon Framework”, after the well-known failure 🙊 of the Easter-Island civilisation. 🐰🥚

As an illustration 📖, it was the author’s choice to use the corporate history of Renault, Peugeot and Citroën on the 1896 -1939 period to extract ▶ 10 key lessons ◀ current automobile leaders 🏎🚗 can use to solve the major challenges of their future market. 📉🛒

This Framework can today be successfully used in Companies and Organisations to analyse their environment. 👌🎉

The 5 branches 🌲 of the EIP Framework: ⬇

1/ ✅ Decrease of Support of Partners 
2/ ✅ Irreversible Unexpected Change of Business Environment
3/ ✅ Hostile Competition 
4/ ✅ Change Management & Responses to Failures 
5/ ✅ Negative Impact of Current Activity on Future of Business Opportunities

This paper 📜 details and explains the pertinence of these 5 branches and a concrete application on the Automobile Industry. 🚚

Feel free to adapt this to your own company. 💡 It can be a great tool to use every year to monitor organisational health. ⬅👏

A downloadable PowerPoint Template for the EIP Framework is available here.

I still personally use it every year with Investors and the Board in our Startups. 👌😊

- Timothée Demoures

Published as a Master Project at EDHEC Business School, France.👈🎓 🇫🇷
May 2015

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