KPI Report For Industry Sales
Originally published: 28/03/2023 08:27
Publication number: ELQ-73700-1
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KPI Report For Industry Sales

We must reverse this trend. Research shows that sales managers need to manage the right activities and coach related behaviors leading indicators.

One of the best ways to drive sales performance is to track the quality of your leads through each stage of your sales funnel. This process is especially important for sales leaders who need a high-level understanding of the team’s sales process.
Measuring performance metrics at each stage of the sales funnel helps you pinpoint blocks in the pipeline and focus on the stages and activities that are most effective.
Conversion rates
Understanding your leads’ conversion rates is critical to understanding how your sales funnel is performing and which stages and activities have the highest return on investment. For a basic overview of your sales funnel performance, you should track the following conversion metrics:
Visitor-to-lead conversion rate
This is the ratio of the number of visitors (traffic) to your site and how many of them become leads.
You may have to further define what a lead is for your team, but generally, a lead is a person or business who has shown interest in your product or service by taking a specific action (e.g., filling out a contact form, subscribing to your email list, or downloading marketing content).
This KPI is a good way to measure your website’s conversion rate optimization (in other words, how well your site attracts visitors and entices them to take action).
Lead-to-MQL conversion rate
Once you have a list of leads, the marketing team evaluates each prospect to determine which ones are most likely to become customers. The leads who make the cut are considered qualified and passed on to the sales team for further nurturing.
The lead-to-MQL conversion rate is the percentage of leads who meet the marketing team’s basic qualifications.
It can tell you how well your business website attracts the right audience. If you have a subpar conversion rate, you may need to work with marketing to reevaluate your target buyer personas and update the copy and content offerings to match.
MQL-to-SQL conversion rate
This is the percentage of leads from marketing that become sales-qualified. Sales qualified leads (SQLs) are those marketing leads who are rated most likely to convert to customers.
This is an important metric because it provides insights into how well the marketing and sales team are aligned. If the conversion rate is low, that’s an opportunity to communicate with marketing to better define your ideal customers and map a strategy to move them through the funnel.

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