Experts in DCF and LBO modelling. Follow 774
Experts in DCF and LBO modelling. Follow 774
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Experts in DCF and LBO modelling.
Follow 774
We are experts in DCF and LBO modelling. What differs us and our models from others, is that we do complex Excel-modeling easy. Our models are easy to use but still has a high flexibility. You do not need to spend several hours just trying to understand the model. Our models are used in day-to-day business and are fast, accurate and convenient. You can easily get great output directly from the model, to use in PPT or similar. No adjustments needed!
Co-Authored Best Practices
LBO model - Leveraged Buyout Analysis
A step by step LBO model tutorial. It is easy to use and we provide support if needed. Have fun modeling!financevaluationleveraged buyoutprivate equityinvestment banking25,83110add_shopping_cart$9.00by Patrik JohanssonDiscounted Cash Flow (DCF) Model
A step by step Discounted Cash Flow Analysis Tutorial (DCF model)analysisfinancevaluationdcfprivate equity56,80336add_shopping_cart$9.00by Patrik JohanssonSynergy Valuation Premium DCF Excel Model
A Premium Discounted Cash Flow DCF Model including synergy valuationmergersprivate equitym&aacquisitionsdcf model13,0963add_shopping_cart$49.00by Patrik Johansson