Originally published: 05/02/2018 14:26
Last version published: 02/03/2018 15:15
Publication number: ELQ-85885-4
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5 Minute Finance Lesson: Balance Sheet

A brief overview of the balance sheet to give you a better understanding of your business' financial state.

As Cate Costa works with first-time entrepreneurs who don't typically have any background in business management, she spends a lot of her time talking about financial statements and getting them up to speed with what's what. Every business owner should have enough knowledge to be able to understand what your account is telling you about the financial state of your business and to be able to read basic statements yourself to get the pulse of your business' health.

This video will give you a brief overview of the balance sheet so that you will understand more about your business' financial state.

Video length: 5:33

This Best Practice includes
1 Video File

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