Last version published: 03/04/2017 10:32
Publication number: ELQ-43950-5
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Financial risks evaluation
Highlight and explain the financial risks of a revenue statement scenario.
Further information
Give a quantitative evaluation of the financial risks of a given strategic scenario or business plan. The objective is to gain the confidence of your audience by explaining the main assumptions of your evaluation. Create a powerful practical aid for your decision-making process.
• Delineate for your audience the potential pitfalls of the proposed strategy.
• Show the worst-case scenario alongside your proposed strategy.
• Reassure your audience that you have covered all the bases and have come to reasonable estimate of any downside scenario.
• Give a rough estimate of the value of the potential risk.
• Create support for a discussion on an acquisition or other strategic scenario.
• You wish to illustrate the potential pitfalls of a business plan.
• You want to show quantitative information on the risks of a given business plan.
• You want to explain your method behind your analysis of the risks to the business
• You want to convey your opinion on the feasibility of a given strategic scenario or business operation.
• You are not comfortable creating a financial estimate of risks for your scenario
• You would rather discuss the scenario on a strategy level rather than a financial basis