How to Create a Country Economic Database from FRED
Originally published: 12/10/2018 08:30
Last version published: 16/10/2018 09:15
Publication number: ELQ-80440-3
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How to Create a Country Economic Database from FRED

This is an effective file for constructing an economic database of countries' statistics.

This financial database model is connected with the St. Louis Fed and allows for an exhaustive set of data for different countries.

The Excel template offers the user lots of flexibility. One can choose the countries they so wish, and even decide whether the data is presented as absolute amounts, indices or percentage changes. A vast number of time series variables across multiple countries can be compared.

The series that can be compared and analysed includes:

- GDP per capita
- population
- debt
- total GDP
- credit spreads

The St. Louis Fed, also known as FRED – Federal Reserve Economic Data, is reported as being one of the most vast and accurate financial and economic databases in the world. As the model extracts data from FRED, there are many variables that can be compared, including: population age, banking statistics, exports and inflation rates.

Error checks are included in this Excel model because of the vast amount of data, and sheets, that are used. The accompanying PDF illustrates how to select the variables and how to update the file as to how the user desires. There is also a YouTube video tutorial which demonstrates how the data presentation differs in Excel and in Power BI.

This Best Practice includes
1 Excel Spreadsheet, 1 PDF, 1 YouTube Video

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