Sales Growth Contributions PowerPoint Template

A series of 5 automated PowerPoint Templates to visualise Sales Growth Contributions between two periods for a business.

Original Best Practice:  Sales growth contribution  by WMI Consulting

When assessing the performance of a business year to year, it is worth looking at the main contributors of sales growth, as to re-orient strategy accordingly for further growth.

At Wimi & Eloquens, I've often used this slide to isolate key contributors of growth (realised and projected), to focus projects and initiatives accordingly.

Given its success and pertinence, I decided to extrapolate a generic series of templates for any business leader or strategy consultant to use.

Sales Contributions can be analysed by:

1/ Business Unit
2/ Geography
3/ Key Account/Client
4/ Brand
5/ Initiative

Each Graph has two sections:
- The Contributions from historic parameters (existed in previous period)
- The Contributions from new parameters (new brands, geographies, clients, initiatives, business units etc.)

The Best Practice is:
- an series of 5 Microsoft PowerPoint Template Slides + Excel Files attached
- with an online & offline 13 step-by-step methodology, with pedagogical illustrations for each step.

This Sales Growth Contribution Slide, can also be used in a Business Plan Deck or Startup Pitch Deck to help potential investors, board members or key stakeholders visualise future forecasted results.

Should you have any questions on using this top tier Strategy Consulting, Business Management or Sales Team Template slide, you're welcome to reach out to me via Private Message.

Good luck!
- Tim

PS: Thanks to WMI Consulting who had built initially a first version of this Best Practices, which I have brought to the next level here.

This Best Practice includes
1 PowerPoint Slide Template (with 3 versions) + 1 Online & Offline Step-By-Step Methodology (13 steps)

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