Profit & Loss and Cash Flow Tracking (Weekly, Monthly, Annually) Template
Originally published: 17/09/2018 10:02
Last version published: 20/12/2023 13:10
Publication number: ELQ-57023-6
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Profit & Loss and Cash Flow Tracking (Weekly, Monthly, Annually) Template

Tracking profit and loss as well as cash position in real-time. Includes automated graph/visual updates.

The purpose of this template is to show real-time profit and loss effects of your business activity on a weekly, monthly and year-to-date way. The way it works is pretty straight forward. You have a 'database' style tab where you enter the date, transaction code, and $ amount. 

Based on that, a profit and loss summary will populate that has up to:
1. Four different income streams
2. Forty-five expense categories
3. Five slots for other cash flow items (in and out).

Additional rows will show your running cash flow each week/month/year and running cash position.

The weekly and monthly reporting tabs show up to a 2-year period and the annual tab shows up to 5 years.

The reason this was built in google sheets is primarily for the charting functionality. I have put formulas in for the date at each week/month/year so it auto updates as you move forward in time automatically. That means the graph will only show data for up to the current week/month/year and will only move forward as you actually move forward in time.

What that means is better graphic display. You don't have to keep re-adjusting the chart ranges as you fill in your financial information. It is a huge plus.

Please read the instructions in the file before you try to use the financial reporting template. Be sure to clear out the sample data as well.

This is a Google Sheet deliverable. Upon download you will receive a word document that has the link to this financial model.

A more complex tool is this financial statement generator

This template is also included in two bundles:
- All Models Bundle:
- Accounting Tools:

This Best Practice includes
1 Word document with a link to the Google Sheet and 1 tutorial video

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Further information

Track the current profit and loss of your business as well as cash flow.

A small to medium-size business.

High volume businesses (you would need to do batch reporting).

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