Hisham BalatiahHisham Balatiah
Agile Product Manager with 12+ Years of Tech Experience | Passion for Innovation Management | Digitalization | FinTech | Logistics | PropTech
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Hisham Balatiah, Agile Product Manager with 12+ Years of Tech Experience | Passion for Innovation Management | Digitalization | FinTech | Logistics | PropTech
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Hisham Balatiah

Agile Product Manager with 12+ Years of Tech Experience | Passion for Innovation Management | Digitalization | FinTech | Logistics | PropTech

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Passionate Entrepreneur, Telecom Engineer, & Tech Geek.I'm all about creating business value, transparency and happiness from working in a new way, the above reason is why I think I fit-in pretty nicely in any field I work in.Commitment is my key to success aim to improve my skills that will always help me to innovate my own business.
  • views 6.2k
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  • reviews 23
  • Best Practices 12

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