A Community of Member-Scholars, Companies and Trusted Advisors committed to the development of Chief Financial Officers Follow 56

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A Community of Member-Scholars, Companies and Trusted Advisors committed to the development of Chief Financial Officers
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13 Week Cash Forecast Excel Model Example
This 13 Week Cash Forecast Tool is the first step to getting your cash flow under control.4,264Discussadd_shopping_cart$60.00CFO Foundation - People Process System Assessment Tool
This Assessment measures how these foundational aspects of your CFO responsibility areas are performing.923Discussadd_shopping_cart$49.00Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Assessment Workbook
This short Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Assessment measures how well your KPIs are working to help you manage.1,095Discussadd_shopping_cart$39.00Process Redesign Workbook
Our Process Design Workbook as been developed to help you gain a thorough understanding of your most important Accountin1,383Discussadd_shopping_cart$59.00Cash Velocity Excel Calculator
This tool estimates how long it takes to convert a dollar paid for inventory into a dollar received on sales.1,439Discussadd_shopping_cart$49.00First 101 Days as a Successful CFO Assessment Tool
A road map to assess where your efforts in the accounting, finance and treasury functions should be focused.1,787Discussadd_shopping_cart$99.00Team Alignment Assessment Tool
The goal for every high-performing CFO should be to build an aligned Finance organization leadership team.509Discussadd_shopping_cart$39.00Business Value of IT Excel Calculator
The Business Value of IT Calculator (BVIT) is a very simple and intuitive approach that any executive team can use.320Discussadd_shopping_cart$39.00Capital Investment Analysis Request Form Tool
This Capital Investment Analysis Request Form is used to evaluate the merits of capital projects.416Discussadd_shopping_cart$49.00Balance Sheet Analysis Tool
This tool will shine a bright light on where cash is being generated and consumed in your business.794Discussadd_shopping_cart$39.00ROI Calculation for AI (Artificial Intelligence) Project Excel Worksheet
Use this worksheet to summarize the Financial Benefits and Costs and calculate the Cash on Cash ROI for the AI projects.4,0092add_shopping_cart$39.00AI (Artificial Intelligence) in Finance - Identification Worksheet
This worksheet will help identify where AI applications can add the most value.763Discussadd_shopping_cart$39.00Managerial Reporting Excel Scorecard
Our Managerial Reporting Scorecard is designed to add high value to this key CFO responsibility area - Timely reporting511Discussadd_shopping_cart$39.00General Ledger Analysis Tool
This tool will help you determine your General Ledger structure.510Discussadd_shopping_cart$39.00Supply Chain Risk Assessment Excel Tool
This Supply Chain Risk Assessment provides an overview of how well your business understands and manages key risks.1,778Discussadd_shopping_cart$39.00Simple Price, Gross Margin & Unit Variance Analysis Excel Model
This is a Simple Price, Gross Margin and Unit Variance Analysis summarizes Price, Gross Margin and Units Sold Model.870Discussadd_shopping_cart$39.00