Enthusiastic Data Modeller, Addicted to Report Automation, Financial Modeller, Excel PRO, Visualisation Geek, and Aspiring data Scientist
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ExActProBi, Enthusiastic Data Modeller, Addicted to Report Automation, Financial Modeller, Excel PRO, Visualisation Geek, and Aspiring data Scientist
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Enthusiastic Data Modeller, Addicted to Report Automation, Financial Modeller, Excel PRO, Visualisation Geek, and Aspiring data Scientist

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I am the owner of ExActProBi. I have expertise in Microsoft Excel, and its traditional tools (Advanced function and VBA) and modern tools like Power Query, Power Pivot/DAX. I am a huge advocate of report automation. I have been developing Financial Models and MIS reports (automated) for diverse sectors of businesses for many years, I will be sharing the same on this forum with the community of ELOQUENS.
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