Founder of Indzara Excel Templates Follow 13

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Dinesh Natarajan Mohan
Founder of Indzara Excel Templates
Follow 13
Currently building simple and effective Excel templates for Businesses at https://www.indzara.com. Strongly believe that simple tools, when properly designed, can be effective too in addressing common needs.
Co-Authored Best Practices
Recruitment Tracker 2024: Excel Template
Track the recruitment process within your organization using this simple and automated excel template.excel workbookhrrecruitmenthiringmanager2,527Discussadd_shopping_cartfreeby Indzara
Employee Timesheet Excel Template
Manage employee timesheets within your organization using this simple and automated excel template.excel workbookhrmanagerdata entrymonthly report179Discussadd_shopping_cartfreeby Indzara
2024 Calendar Template with 24 Designs - Excel Spreadsheet
Create your own personalized calendars in Excelcalendarmonthlyannualspreadsheetexcel calendar1,983Discussadd_shopping_cartfreeby Indzara
PTO (Paid Time Off) Balance Calculator for Hourly Employee
Calculate the PTO (Paid Time Off) of hourly employees within your organization using this simple and automated excel template.excel workbookhrpaid time off calculatorbusiness opsaccrual504Discussadd_shopping_cartfreeby Indzara
Employee Leave Manager Excel Template
Track the leave of the employees within your organization using this simple and automated excel template.excel workbookhrmonthly planningmanagerdata entry643Discussadd_shopping_cart$40.00by Indzara
Employee Vacation Planner Excel Template
Plan employee leaves within your organization using this simple and automated excel template.excel workbookhrdata entryemployee leavevacation206Discussadd_shopping_cartfreeby Indzara
Leave and Vacation Tracker 2024
Simplify leave tracking with this Excel Templateleadershiphrleave trackingvacation tracking3,620Discussadd_shopping_cartfreeby Indzara
New Employee Checklist Excel Template
Use this simple and effective excel template to manage your new employee checklist.checklistexcel workbookhrdata entryemployee onboarding224Discussadd_shopping_cartfreeby Indzara
HR KPI Scorecard & Dashboard in Excel
This template is an effective tool to help you measure and present the key performance indicators (KPIs) that reveal the quality of HR in your organization.kpihrexcel templatekpi dashboardkpi scorecard1,672Discussadd_shopping_cart$50.00by Indzara
Compliance Training Dashboard Excel Template
Ready in 15 minutes, this simple template will help you track compliance training and give you quick insights as to where non-compliance is happening.kpiexcelexcel templatekpi dashboardemployee retention2,0392add_shopping_cart$40.00by Indzara
Employee Retention Dashboard Google Sheet Template
An Automated and simple excel template to maintain a employee retention dashboard within your company.managementretentiondashboardspreadsheethr293Discussadd_shopping_cart$50.00by Indzara
Employee Retention Dashboard Excel Template
A simple and quick solution to track employee retention in your organization. Gain invaluable insights to improve your rate of employee retention.dashboardhrexcel templateemployee retentionemployee retention metrics1,480Discussadd_shopping_cart$50.00by Indzara
Resource Capacity Planner Excel Template
This template will enable you to easily calculate the available resource capacity, compare with demand, and identify surplus/deficit in capacity.excel templateresource capacity planneremployee dashboardcapacity v demandworkforce planning1,8586add_shopping_cart$50.00by Indzara
Timesheets Manager Excel Template – Timesheets Simplified
This simple yet effective Timesheets Excel Template enables you to manage data for numerous employees in one file and create printable reports.excelexcel templatetime trackingtimesheet197Discussadd_shopping_cart$15.00by Indzara
Small Business – Paid Time Off (PTO) Manager – Excel Template
With this excel template, easily manage your employee’s Paid Time Off by creating a PTO policy that aligns with your business needs.small businesshrexcel templateptopto manager622Discussadd_shopping_cart$49.00by Indzara
Sales Pipeline Manager (CRM) Excel Template
This template is an efficient solution to Sales Pipelines Management, helping you to make educated decisions to improve conversation and increase sales.sales pipelinesales funnelcustomer relationship managementsales pipeline managersales funnel performance chart1,0762add_shopping_cart$50.00by Indzara