Seraf provides insights, news and in-depth resources for early stage investors Follow 102

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Seraf provides insights, news and in-depth resources for early stage investors
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Guide Startup Board Meetings and Investor Reports
A guide to help you set out successfully all the topics that should be included in board meetings722Discussadd_shopping_cartfreeStartup Board Performance Evaluation Template
A comprehensive template to evaluate the annual performance of the Board of Directors for a company2,635Discussadd_shopping_cartfreeSample Startup Board Meeting Dashboards
A tool tailored to tech startups that helps you view, summarise and discuss risks encountered when running a business.2,131Discussadd_shopping_cartfreeCapitalisation Templates with Waterfall Analysis
A solution, with examples, to help you manage all aspects of your company's cap table1,387Discussadd_shopping_cartfreeStartup Exit Planning Template
A guide for CEOs and Board to plan their exit strategies and to keep on top of who their potential acquirers are911Discussadd_shopping_cartfreePortfolio Modelling Tool
A ready-to-use financial template to help you understand the potential performance of an early stage investment874Discussadd_shopping_cartfreeRecruiting Guide for Early Stage Company Boards
An excel sheet that allows you to set out the key recruiting criteria needed for choosing new board members887Discussadd_shopping_cartfreeDue Diligence Checklist for Startup Investors
This checklist covers the key areas of diligence tailored for a startup technology company.10,039Discussadd_shopping_cartfreeExcel Financial Model for an Early Stage Investment Portfolio
A comprehensive guide accompanied with explanations and examples to help you create an early stage portfolio1,227Discussadd_shopping_cartfreeTemplate for Due Diligence Reports
An easy-to-follow template that contains explanations and examples to aid you in creating a due diligence report23,145Discussadd_shopping_cartfreeCEO Performance Review Template
A document to help evaluate a CEOs strengths and weaknesses to help them improve8,507Discussadd_shopping_cartfreeSample Board Meeting Minutes Template for Startups
This word document contains the key elements needed when taking minutes for a startup company7,563Discussadd_shopping_cartfreeManagement Assessment Questionnaire for Early Stage Investors
A refined questionnaire for early stage investors to use when evaluating management teams. Tailored to tech startups.345Discussadd_shopping_cartfreeCustomer Reference Checklist for Early Stage Investors
A checklist to help investors assess the market and verify consumer demands before they invest in startups.619Discussadd_shopping_cartfree